Arizona Senators Trip 2022

Arizona Senators Trip 2022
Posted on 01/18/2022
The annual Senators trip is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Each January, 8th grade students travel through Washington D.C., Pennsylvania, and New York City as they learn about the history, politics, and culture of our nation. In Washington D.C., students see the White House, Lincoln Memorial, Smithsonian Museum, and many more important and exciting landmarks while an experienced tour guide teaches them about the significance of each place. Then students are transported back in time as they tour Amish country in Pennsylvania, followed by a day of historic sightseeing in Philadelphia, including visits to Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell. Finally, students arrive in New York City. In addition to a solemn visit to the 9/11 memorial at Ground Zero, highlights in NYC include a visit to the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, and a night at a Broadway play. By the end of this weeklong adventure, students not only gain a new understanding of the United States, but they gain memories that last a lifetime.